

The first form of Severance Robot & MIS center was in fact established in 1998, as the Dr. I.B. Yoon Multi-Specialty Endoscopic Research & Training Center.

Since performing the robotic surgery in 2005 for the first time in Korea, Severance Robot & MIS Center opened in 2008 as the first robotic training center in Korea, the hub of Robotic training in Asia. We have provided various educational opportunities for more than 2,000 trainees from 38 countries to disseminate new knowledge and educate future leaders in robotic surgery.

As a striking feature about the center, we provide tailor made education for each specialty and procedure type, especially focusing on the trainee’s experience level. We provide systematic training courses including Case observation course, Surgical workshop using large animal or cadaver, Robot simulator, MIS training and etc.. Highly skilled surgical teams support and educate all the series of surgical procedures in the center equipped with the cutting edge facilities and instruments for training and researching purposes.

We also endeavor to contribute to academia through holding the symposium which has the various lectures and live surgery sessions to share expertise. Since 2007 there have been 13-year history of the International Robotic Surgery Live Symposium.